Berto Jongman: Pedophilia USA – NSA, Pentagon, Blackmail — Much More to Come…

The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg – The Full Story is Much More Disturbing The full scope of the political pedophile ring scandal in the U.K. can’t be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic SGCNews, 8 July 2014 Full Story with Three YouTubes …

Jon Rappoport: Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Is this creating a black off-budget slush fund for the Pentagon?

Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Trevor Timm of the Electronic Freedom Frontier dug up a very interesting nugget. It was embedded in the heralded December 2013 White House task force report on spying and snooping. Under Recommendations, #31, section 2, he found this: “Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change …

Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon’s $1 Trillion a Year Budget — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

America’s $1 Trillion National Security Budget by Winslow T. Wheeler March 13, 2014 The Pentagon’s current leadership and most on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees in Congress describe President Obama’s 2015 defense budget request as painfully austere, if not dangerously inadequate.  The defense trade press is full of statements from generals, admirals and …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Hysteria, Spies, Lies, & Pentagon Budget Games

This report/analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique (also attached below) provides a background on the rise of far right — some would say neo-fascist — politics in Ukraine.  I have reformatted and highlighted it to emphasize points that struck me as important.  If you find my markup distracting, the preceding link will take you to the …

Mother Jones: Can’t Touch This – Best Overview of Pentagon Corruption and Idiocy at This Time and Place

CAN”T TOUCH THIS The wars are winding down. It’s the age of austerity. But nobody messes with the Pentagon budget. Until Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) rode to the rescue this week, Pentagon brass and their allies had been issuing dire warnings about the nation’s military readiness: The armed services were …

Berto Jongman: 7 Incredible Ways the Pentagon Mismanages Its Massive Budget

7 incredible ways the Pentagon mismanages its massive budget It’s worse than you ever imagined. LIST ONLY 1) The Pentagon cooks the books 2) Those “plugs” add up to a lot of money 3) It doesn’t comply with mandatory audits 4) It has too many old and incopmpatible accounts and business management systems 5) It …

Penguin: Is the Pentagon Completely Corrupt? Yes — F-35 Totally Vulnerable to Electromagnetic Neturalization

The New F-35 Fighter Jet Can Be Taken Down Without A Bullet Ever Being Fired The F-35, the latest fighter jet being developed for the U.S. Armed Forces, has hit another potential snag.This time, it’s not questions of the jet’s structural integrity or even questions of relevance in combat. It’s the plane’s vulnerability to hackers. The …