Robert Steele: Tim Cook & Anti-Defamation League – Enemies of the Republic

The below article is right on target. Tim Cook is a deeply unethical person who is making possible a fascist censorship system controlled by the Zionist apartheid genocidal invented state of Israel which no thinking Jew (or Christian) supports. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the “trusted flagger” for #GoogleGestapo and is in constant violation of …

Robert Burrowes: Review of GIANTS – The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips

Tip of the to Jan Oberg and Transcend Media Exposing the Giants: The Global Power Elite 389 individuals, $41 trillion, as core of predatory capitalism not at all responsive to the public interest. ‘Understanding permanent war as an economic relief valve for surplus capital is a vital part of comprehending capitalism in the world today. …

Steven Aftergood: JCS on Strategy — Directing All the Instruments of National Power

STRATEGY: DIRECTING THE INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER The tools that can be used to assert national power and influence have often been summarized by the acronym DIME — Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic. But “US policy makers and strategists have long understood that there are many more instruments involved in national security policy development and …

Tom Atlee: Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?

Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy? Dear OZY Third Rail folks, You ask “Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?“ Your question dances around an even bigger, even more important situation, without actually acknowledging it and its related question: Is it realistic to depend on our current form …

Nafeez Ahmed: Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years …

Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years — unless we stop it What do NATO, private military contractors, giant arms manufacturers, wine merchants, the NSA, Trump, British property tycoons, Russian oligarchs, and Big Oil have in common? The world’s largest social network We reveal for the first time [Cambridge Analytica’s] sweeping interlinkages with …