Betty Boop” List of 53 US Congressional Representatives Being Bribed and Perhaps Blackmailed by Zionists (Israeli Government and Agent of a Foreign Power AIPAC

53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel At least 53 Congressional representatives are on a week-long trip to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), an arm of the powerful lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). The full roster of participants is unknown. The Congressional press office has refused to …

Yoda: Gun Control is Not About Safety — It is About the Deep State Fascists Controlling the Dumbed-Down Public

Alert reader points out that gun control death percentage is off by a 4 zeros. It should be 0.009% Gun Control There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.000000925% of the population dies from gun …

Robert Steele: Open Power Election Reform Act 3.4

Below is the updated Election Reform Act 3.4, with links.  The short name is Unity-Integrity Act. Earth Intelligence Network remains an educational non-profit seeking to mobilize public opinion toward more civic (non-violent) activism, and toward an understanding that no issue will be addressed properly until we restore integrity to our government. On 1 May Cynthia …

Amazon Kindle: World War III Has Started — the Public Against the Deep State — Everywhere: Can Donald Trump Defeat the Deep State and Lead a Global Revolution? (Trump Revolution Book 08)

World War III has started and it is not going according to the official narrative that seeks to start a war between Russia and the United States of America with a side show in the Middle East, all for the sake of banking profit and public distraction. No, World War III is a war between …

Robert Steele: World War III has started – the public against the Deep State – everywhere – Deep State against Donald Trump – what is to be done? (Trump Revolution 08)

World War III has started – the public against the Deep State — everywhere. Robert David Steele, Visiting Norway in March, Answers Seven Questions Jan H. Kalvik & Robert David Steele Defense and Intelligence Norway, 10 March 2017 Robert David Steele, whom I recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize to a Norwegian Minister who is …

SPECIAL: Bryan Dean Wright: Spies Out of Control — CIA More Dangerous to Republic Than Russia or Iran

I’m a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control Bryan Dean Wright Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis. Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold …