Rebecca Campbell: QAnon + Benjamin Fulford = Deep State Down Down Down… Julian Assange Said to be Under US Military Control

Both worth reading in full — both complement one another. Donald Trump appears to be on the verge of an epic victory with global, not just US, implications. Message from Q Anon Guantanamo Bay is being prepared to receive high-profile detainees. (4) High-ranking politicians like Hillary Clinton and John McCain are allegedly wearing orthopedic boots …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

ARISE    We will be attending tour stops in several locations. For travelling and lodging arrangements at what time of day will the events start? BIRMINGHAM STOP       I was just wanting to know a specific venue and time for the Birmingham stop. BORDERS             If the military is really in charge why do they allow the criminal …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

2020 AUDIT        I’ve heard 1000 times. We have it all. Every text, email, the real vote, etc. What is the point of these audits if we already-know-the-facts? ARISE    Which city will you visit in Maine and when? ARISE    Wouldn’t it be much more effective to incorporate the groundbreaking revelations and state assembly efforts of …