Contributing Editor: Richard Wright

Education: BA Anthropology (UCLA) plus graduate work on international issues (GW) and technical schools. Career: U.S. Army Security Agency (1962-1965); National Security Agency(NSA) transcriber translator oriental language (1965-1978); integrated analyst Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA) 1978-1981; International Communication Analyst (1981-1991); Global Network (sic) Analyst incorporating information systems engineering (1991-2002); principal engineer for a small firm (now part of Lockheed Martin) responsible …

Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon

Mr. President, To an epistemological certainty, Sandy Hook was not real, nobody real died. Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with the purpose of generating support for an extreme gun control and federal power agenda. This review will simply catalog the main factual data that 489 students, minus 20 = 469 students, plus 70 staff …

2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century • What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be? • How can we develop these capacities? • What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution? • What is missing from …

Reference (2012): Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, Review by Steele, Wright, Anon & New Link 3.0

UPDATE: 1 January 2013 from Spanish Dancer: What is most striking to me, and to a few others I have spoken to recently, is the SECDEF quote early in the paper.  If we follow its premise it puts anyone who opposes our projection of power in the cross hairs.  It is this doctrinal fluff that …

Open Source Everything – Agency or Company or Network or All Three?

USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 1 CMC Article USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 2 CINCSOC USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 3 Leadership Brief USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 4 Staff Brief USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 5 Timeline USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 6 Future RELATED Reference: 9-11 Commission Pages 23 and 413 Providing for a Separate Open Source Agency (OSA) …

Yoda: CIA’s Open Source Enterprise Blows (Again)

US to close CIA division’s UK intelligence monitoring unit The US is to close its monitoring unit in the UK, marking the end of nearly 75 years of side-by-side collaboration with the BBC’s open-source intelligence division at Caversham Park. The Open Source Enterprise, a division of the US’s Central Intelligence Agency, has been run out …

The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof Russians Hacked (or Leaked) Anything: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 8

Best line = ZERO proof: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.” We do not make this stuff up. The DNI just committed suicide. In three …