Review: Augmented Intelligence – Smart Systems and the Future of Work and Learning

Daniel Araya (editor) 5 Stars Best Available Overview, Most “Experts” Still in Denial Augmented Intelligence is the new meme that goes beyond Collective Intelligence. The editor has done the best possible job of collecting inputs from top people, a few of whom I know such as Jim Spohrer, and I recommend the book without reservation. …

State of the Nation: Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero — UPDATE Chabad Zionist Rabbi Sheriff…

Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero That’s Probably a Total Hoax The Mossad Owns and Operates the American Terrorist Industry SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry to say that yesterday’s shooting at the San Diego-area synagogue has all the elements of not only a false flag but also juvenile hoax.  That there was an …

Yoda: International Appeal – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

International Threat Report & Appeal to Stop 5G Proliferation To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations, We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from ( ) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. …

Mongoose: White Helmets Planning False Flag Gas Attack in Idlib Syria? Could US False Flags Backfire and Justify Nation-Wide Concealed Carry for All Voters?

White Helmets are helping Syrian militants prepare ‘false flag’ chemical attack – Idlib residents The notorious White Helmets have brought chemicals, protective gear and cameras to militant-controlled Idlib in Syria, in an apparent preparation of yet another false-flag attack, locals told the Russian Reconciliation Center.