Stephanie Sledge: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook’s Curious Car Licensed to Dane Country Sheriff’s Department, Madison, WI

Stephanie Sledge: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook’s Curious Car Licensed to Dane Country Sheriff’s Department, Madison, WI Mr. President, The Sandy Hook event, now almost six years later, has produced more questions than answers. One of those unanswered questions concern the car brought to the school on the day of the shooting …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook had 2 Principals, 2 Schools Buildings but 0 CAPT Scores for 2009

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook had 2 Principals, 2 Schools Buildings but 0 CAPT Scores for 2009 Dear Mr. President, As the contributors to Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015) have established, the school was closed by 2008 and there were no students there. Further proof comes from the …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts Mr. President, In an astonishing exhibition of chutzpah, fake Sandy Hook parent imposters are seeking protection from exposure on the fantastic ground they are being subjected to harassment and bullying, which, under the circumstances, is completely …

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’ Mr. President, There are many signs pointing to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) having been closed long before the alleged mass shooting on December 14, 2012, including:

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School Mr. President, Here is a sample of the kind of information that I now have in my possession, which ought to justify calling a Grand Jury by the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. …

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – fails to check the facts about Sandy Hook or it is complicit

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – fails to check the facts about Sandy Hook or it is complicit Mr. President, is the #1 place many turn when hearing about a conspiracy theory, such as that the Sandy Hook shooting was faked, for the very first time. has done its best …

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – The Final Report on Sandy Hook: A Complete and Total Forensic Failure

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – The Final Report on Sandy Hook: A Complete and Total Forensic Failure Mr. President, Page 1 of the ‘Report of the State’s Attorney for the District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 26 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012” (linked …