DefDog: Inexpensive Drone Do It Yourself Cyber-War

Wardriving Evolves Into Warflying Researchers release specs for a DIY radio-controlled plane that hacks systems by air By Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Editor Dark Reading, 4 August 2011 BLACK HAT USA 2011 — Las Vegas — Yesterday at Black Hat, two security researchers demonstrated how a radio-controlled model airplane outfitted with a computer and 4G connectivity …

John Robb: Operation Shady Rat vs Sleeping Dog

Operation Shady Rat. Sustained, silent, IP theft from 70 organizations across 14 countries.  More.  What we have witnessed over the past five to six years has been nothing short of a historically unprecedented transfer of wealth — closely guarded national secrets (including from classified government networks), source code, bug databases, email archives, negotiation plans and exploration details …

Cofer Black: Hackers Evil, Pay Me… + Hackers RECAP

Cofer Black Says Threat Posed by Hackers Same as Pre-9/11 Terrorism Public Intelligence Net, 4 August 2011 not to be confused with Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog Ex-CIA official sounds alarm about hackers’ next targets (CNN): The former director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center raised concerns Wednesday about an impending “code war” in …

Robert Steele: Secrecy, Self-Restraint, & Democracy Done in By Elites and “Experts”

The times they are a’ changing.  I was asked to comment on  the recently published Reference: Protecting Sensitive “Open” Information and do so gladly.  The author of that work means well, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the substance of what he expouses.  It is simply not reasonable nor feasible in context. I know …

Articles & Chapters Directory (List)

Includes print interviews & testimony. Updated 11 November 2015. Short URL: 2015 OpenDemocracy: Robert Steele, American Intelligence and National Defense 2.0 CounterPunch: Robert Steele on Counter-Coup – How Trump Can Win By Restoring Integrity to the Electoral Process and the US Government Robert Steele: Fast Tracking Extreme Democracy and Open Source Everything – A …