John Congdon: Public Banking – Golden Rule Network Connecting Individual Equity with Fractional Reserve Banking Reach

Proposed: that communities create Capital Asset Partnership Trusts (CAPT) in the context of a larger Golden Rule Network The potential monetized value of equity in real property is tremendous. In the U.S. alone the equity in home ownership is $8.2 trillion. As well, there is the other huge pool of capital with the equity present …

Marcus Aurelius: Reserve C-130’s as Poster Child for Strategic Dishonesty

No Clipping These Wings By David Ignatius, July 5, 2013 For an illustration of why the federal government has become so unmanageable, consider the Air Force’s attempt last year to cut its budget by retiring unneeded warplanes. This sensible policy ran into a shredder — largely because of the political clout of the Air …

Berto Jongman: Elizabeth Warren Seven Minute Skewering of Corrupt Federal Officials Who Refuse to Impose Serious Sanctions on Money-Laundering Banks

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Q&A at the March 7, 2013 Banking Committee hearing entitled “Patterns of Abuse: Assessing Bank Secrecy Act Compliance and Enforcement.” Witnesses were: David Cohen, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, United States Department of the Treasury; Thomas Curry, Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; and Jerome H. Powell, Governor, …

Yoda: Pirate Leader Understanding of Why US Invaded Iraq – Over the End of the Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

Good, reality is. Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and is a political evangelist, traveling around Europe and the world to talk and write about ideas of a sensible information policy. He has a tech entrepreneur background and loves whisky. While the US invasion of Iraq about a decade ago was based …

Structural Power and Federal Feudalism

While the U.S. government may be described as a massive wealth transferring scheme, looting the middle class for the elite, I’d suggest that ‘wealth’ and ‘elite’ are not precisely correct. The transformation in Western power structures over past three centuries is such that the ‘elite’ was formerly indistinguishable from the government, which is the hallmark …