Stephen E. Arnold: Unprofessional Irresponsibility: AI, Cyber-Security, & Algorithms Gone Wild . . .

Cyber Security: An Oxymoron Maybe? AI neural networks are only as smart as they are programmed and the technology is still in its infancy. In other words, AI neural networks are biased and make mistakes. This is not a problem now, especially when many AI neural networks are in the experimental stage; however, as the …

Stephen E. Arnold: SolarWinds – Virtual Rats Carrying Virtual Fleas

SolarWinds Are Gusting and Blowing Hard In considering some of the “odd” organizations compromised by SolarWinds, there are three reasons for why they might have been targeted: A launch pad for secondary attacks. The idea is that the original compromise was like a rat carrying fleas infected with the bubonic plague (arguably more problematic than …

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft in Death Spiral Denial?

Microsoft: Information Released Like a Gentle Solar Wind I read the New Year’s Eve missive from Microsoft, a company which tries to be “transparent, “Microsoft Internal Solorigate Investigation Update.” I am not sure, but I think the Microsoft Word spell checker does not know that SolarWinds is not spelled Solarigate.   . . . Microsoft is …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Maps Errors, the Beginning of the End?

Finding Google Maps: Sundar Pichai, I Presume? The Google is not getting the respect it once assumed was its droit du seigneur. A recent example is this comment from “Google Maps’ Moat is Evaporating”: Read full post. Phi Beta Iota: The first six of the twelve Apostles of Web 3.0 have all agreed that we must …