Catherine Austin Fitts with Greg Hunter: Elites Stole $50 Trillion, Investing in Space War, Using Crypto to Keep Public Out of Gold, Silver, and Land

Elite Stole $50 Trillion and Will Invest in Space –Catherine Austin Fitts “The establishment has stolen $50 trillion plus, and they want to keep it, and they want to invest it in the space based economy and not have to give it back to the pension funds. One of the most important techniques they are …

Mongoose: Michigan State Scholars Find $21 Trillion in Unauthorized Government Spending (Mostly in the Department of Defense)

MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending; Defense Department to conduct first-ever audit Skidmore and Fitts agreed to work together to investigate the issue further. Over the summer, two MSU graduate students searched government websites, especially the website of the Office of Inspector General, looking for similar documents dating to 1998. They found documents …

Berto Jongman: $6 Trillion Cost of Overseas Combat Operations

Report: Full cost of U.S. wars overseas approaching $6 trillion WASHINGTON — Overseas combat operations since 2001 have cost the United States an estimated $4.3 trillion so far, and trillions more in veterans benefits spending in years to come, according to the latest analysis from the Costs of War project.