Wayne Jett: Missing $21 Trillion, Project Insignia, Deep State and Shadow Government Doing Cash, Drugs, Guns, and Small Children

THE MISSING $21 TRILLION What Was It’s Source? The undocumented spending found in DOD and HUD indicate those inside these government agencies wanted in on the action of spending the stupendous amounts of rogue/criminal (now called Deep State) financing. Likewise, the Deep State operatives were pleased to have more power and influence within the halls …

Wayne Jett: Project Insignia Reveals Deep State Trillions

INSIGNIA PROJECT REVEALS DEEP STATE TRILLIONS Currency Amounts Beyond Comprehension Project Insignia, described as an investigation into Deep State cocaine trafficking, made a gigantic data dump of its findings on or about August 24, 2018. Information and documents are so voluminous as to defy concise description, but a start must be made. Operatives working behind …

Berto Jongman: Laurence Kotlikoff – “Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion in Spending” [On Deep State Projects Including Secret Space and Underground Mind Control Facilities]?

Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending? This column is co-authored with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. In our prior column, Mark and I wrote about $21 trillion in unaccounted government transactions, primarily on defense. The DOD’s (Department of Defense) as well as HUD’s (Department of Housing and Urban …

Scott Bennett: Memorandum for the President: How 9/11 Was Funded – The Man (Dov Zakheim) Behind the Missing $2.3 Trillion

How 9/11 Was Funded – The Man Behind the Missing $2.3 Trillion* 11 July 2018 Mr. President, As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and …

David Wilcock: New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back, extraterrestrial Technologies Including Free Energy To Be Disclosed Soon…

New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State. The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy …