Edwin Jewett: How Pixar uses hyper-colors to hack your brain

From WIRED, worth a read: Color—the stuff, the red-green-blue of the world—is a lot of things all at once. It’s the rain of uncountable photons of energy, bouncing off of and through everything around you. It’s electromagnetic waves. It’s the chemistry of paints and dyes. And it’s those things interwoven and pinging into sensors in …

Worth A Look: EMF Off! A Call to Consciousness in Our Misguidedly Microwaved World

A unique blend of wisdom, humour, personal experience, hard-hitting science and quantum physics, this book presents a compelling case for a complete rethink of how we live. Backed by an in-depth understanding of human dynamics and spiritual connectedness, it explores the biological, psychological, neurological, emotional, social and environmental impacts of our insatiable hunger for wireless …

Mongoose: West Point Military Academy Briefing on Mind-Control and COVID-19 RNA DNA 5G Remote Control Zombie World

Turning Humans into Remote Controlled Zombies With Vaccines Remote brain control via the Covid vaccine is going to eventually be possible (within years) if it is not possible now. First a A two minute teaser taken from the main video and if that’s interesting to you, see the main video here. This is not fruitcakery, …

Review: Being a Dog – Following the Dog Into a World of Smell by Alexandra Horowitz

Alexandra Horowitz 5 Star NOSE Opener — Will Change How You Relate to Dogs and to Life Review by Robert David Steele “To smell is  to live” is the inscription on the inside cover of the book as given to my wife by our mostly Labrador dog Zoey. The author teaches at Barnard College, where …