Robert Steele at LIBTECHNYC: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

YouTube (49:07) Robert David Steele – The Open Source Everything Manifestor @ LIBTECH NYC 21 May 2014 LIBTECH Conference Home Page Time: 8-9 pm Title of Presentation: The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust Presenter: Robert David Steele Short Description: The Open Source Everything Manifesto is presented in the context of key negative …

Berto Jongman: Philosophers and Ubber-Technos Get Funding to Announce End of Humanity — And They Get It WRONG.

But What Would the End of Humanity Mean for Me? Preeminent scientists are warning about serious threats to human life in the not-distant future, including climate change and superintelligent computers. Most people don’t care. Sometimes Stephen Hawking writes an article that both mentions Johnny Depp and strongly warns that computers are an imminent threat to …

Berto Jongman: Washington Post Discovers Deep Web — and the World Bank’s Unindexed PDFs — PBI Technical Team Comments

Only fifteen years after Abe Lederman said the same thing at OSS! The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads What if someone had already figured out the answers to the world’s most pressing policy problems, but those solutions were buried deep in a PDF, somewhere nobody will ever …

David Swanson: Localities Reining in Federal Government – Sixth City Passes Anti-Drone Resolution

Leverett Becomes Sixth City to Pass Anti-Drone Resolution Here are the other five. Leverett and Amherst, Mass., both were expected to consider resolutions. I haven’t heard any news from Amherst. The Leverett news is courtesy of Beth Adams. I haven’t seen official text, but here’s some idea of what was passed, or at least what …

Yoda: Exascale by 2020? No Way, Jose! Four Socko Graphics and Bottom Line Upfront — Human Brain Still a Million Times More Power Efficient

Mind-shift, must have. Supercomputing director bets $2,000 that we won’t have exascale computing by 2020 Joel Hruska ExtremeTech, 17 May 2013 Over the past year, we’ve covered a number of the challenges facing the supercomputing industry in its efforts to hit exascale compute levels by the end of the decade. The problem has been widely …

Reflections: Appraisal of Analytic Foundations – Email Provided, Feedback Solicited – UPDATED

SHORT URL: I was thinking this morning about how little has changed since I was a founding member of the Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) and also a member of the Information Handling Committee (IHC) for the US secret world (late 1980’s early 1990’s). I note in passing my continued dismay …

Patrick Meier: An Introduction to Humanitarian UAVs – Comment by Robert Steele

An Introduction to Humanitarian UAVs and their Many Uses Satellite images have been used to support humanitarian efforts for decades. Why? A bird’s eye view of a disaster-affected area simply captures far more information than most Earth-based data-collection technologies can. In short, birds have more situational awareness than we do. In contrast to satellites, UAVs offer significantly …