Obama fails to grasp the gravity of going to war

Although a partisan paper, the Examiner does show the lack of understanding that is permeating the current administration…….. By: Byron York 03/24/11 8:05 PM The Examiner “I see Obama’s visiting the United States,” said Rush Limbaugh on Thursday, the president’s first full day back in Washington after a spring break diplomatic tour of Latin America…. …

NIGHTWATCH EXTRACT: STRATFOR Does Not Understand Intelligence

NIGHTWATCH For the record. STRATFOR published an essay on intelligence that posited that the tension in the intelligence world is between collectors and others and analysts. That mischaracterizes of the source of the tension and shows very limited insight. At the national level, among national agencies, there is an overwhelming volume of information sharing on …

Reference: CRS 2010 Intelligence Issues for Congress

Tip of the Hat to Gary Price at LinkedIn. Phi Beta Iota: This is of passing interest as an overview of what people are thinking about at the shallowest possible level in relation to the Wall Street/Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC). STRIKE ONE: The document still does not understand that overt Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is 90% of …