Journal: Obama’s Choice

New options from the nomenklatura listed below is a silly oxymoron. Chuck Pentagon Openings Give Obama New Options By THOM SHANKER 7 November WASHINGTON — With critical decisions ahead on the war in Afghanistan, President Obama is about to receive an unusual opportunity to reshape the Pentagon’s leadership, naming a new defense secretary as well as several …

Reference: Obama & Wall Street–Bloomberg Next?

In my last Counterpunch essay, “How Obama’s Initial Personnel Decisions Hardwired the Wipeout” I organized my argument around verbiage describing how Obama “fatal move” to the middle,” leaving the misleading impression that his connection to the middle occurred after the election.  This was sloppy wording and in retrospect it is clear to me that impression …

Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet

UPDATED 29 May 2011 to add top-level link: Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This? Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: September 30, 2010 09:41 AM Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and/or Comment. My fellow Americans, I am honored to …

Journal: Spinney Sends Sense on Sinners

Incompetence, Corruption or Both How the Defense Industry is Hosing Obama and the Taxpayer … Again By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch Monastir, Tunisa On 3 March 2010, CounterPunch carried my critique of the Pentagon’s 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), which was released in February.  QDRs have a long history of producing rubbish, and President Obama’s …