Review: Hack the Planet–Science’s Best Hope–or Worst Nightmare–For Averting Climate Catastrophe

Tour of the Horizon, the Smartest of Skeptics July 25, 2010 Eli Kintisch I bristled when I saw the title, but bought the book in association with my own talk to Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) on “Hacking Humanity.” I’ve put the book down glad I did not give up in the early pages, and …

Search: civil military operations center

Although this search produces a number of relevant responses, it is helpful in flagging those below, most but not all added today. 2010 Reference: Walter Dorn on UN Intelligence in Haiti 2010 NATO Civil Military Co-Operation Centre of Excellence 2010 Wikipedia Civil Military Operations Center 2010 Glossary (not DoD) Civil Military Operations Center Other References …

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)

The long list below is organized along the lines of the Revolutionary Prediction Matrix discussed in a short Marine Corps University paper and a longer graduate thesis, to wit: Political-Legal; Socio-Economic; Ideo-Cultural; Techno-Demographic; and Natural-Geographic. It is also available online as Chapter 20: “21st Century Counterintelligence: Evaluating the Health of the Nation” in the new …

Journal: Dana Priest Strikes Again…

On Deadline ( July 16, 2010 Intelligence World Bracing For ‘Wash. Post’ Series On CIA, Pentagon Contractors By Michael Winter The nation’s spy world is anxiously — certainly not eagerly — anticipating a Washington Post series looking at CIA and Pentagon contractors, according to insider reports. And the intelligence community has been preparing for an …

Journal: Ralph Peters on General Jim Mattis, USMC

The ‘warrior monk’ New CENTCOM head is our finest Marine Last Updated: 4:32 PM, July 13, 2010 Posted: 12:58 AM, July 13, 2010 Ralph Peters Phi  Beta Iota: Ralph Peters does not gush very often.  Noted and recommended.  By and large, America’s so-called flag officers are a global disgrace–battalion commanders in way over the head, …

Citizen Intelligence Call Centers & Open311 to Connect Citizens to Governance & “True Costs” via Online & Mobile

CitySourced Integrates San Francisco’s Open 311 System San Francisco — May 5th, 2010 — CitySourced, a real time mobile civic engagement company and a finalist at the 2009 TechCrunch50 conference, announced today that its innovative mobile phone application is now integrated with the San Francisco Open311 API to send reports from CitySourced directly to San …