David Swanson: Operation Nazification

Operation Nazification Annie Jacobsen’s new book is called Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America. It isn’t terribly secret anymore, of course, and it was never very intelligent. Jacobsen has added some details, and the U.S. government is still hiding many more. But the basic facts have been available; they’re …

Review (Guest): The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man

Luke Harding Ed Snowden and the American tribal fear meme, February 19, 2014 By  Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal”   This is a story about what one American saw atop the tip of an iceberg called the “American national security state.” In the end, Ed Snowden, a 29-year old, $200,00/year High School dropout turned Computer Systems …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Quotes

Following are some poignant quotes that might be considered a backdrop for our Cosmically Adequate (CA) consideration/pursuit/exploration: R. Buckminster Fuller 45 quotes Daniel Quinn 37 quotes Alex Gerber 22 quotes Mary Baker Eddy 20 quotes David Brower 14 quotes Jean Liedloff  10 quotes Robert Fritz 6 quotes Alan Weisman  5 quotes Pete Carroll 4 quotes …

David Swanson: Top Six Reasons to End War

Top Six Reasons to Stop Fighting Wars 1. War is immoral 2. War endangers us 3. War threatens our environment 4. War erodes our liberties 5. War impoverishes us 6. We need $2 trillion/year for other things Below the line: six reasons, full text, photo, read more for each

SchwartzReport: Four Ways Human Health is Destroyed by Unethical Corporations and the Governments they Bribe

Democracy by design is a zero sum game. Elections are revolutions without the guns. Part of the problem faced by social progressives is that all too many of us have a gut rejection of reality when it is negative. In my view you can’t fight a battle if you are unwilling to accurately assess the …

4th Media: US Attacks Centeral America – Time for CELAC to Create a Regional Counterintelligence Corps?

The U.S. Counterattack in Central America After the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), at which the U.S. was not represented, Washington is trying to get revenge in Central America. On February 2 presidential and parliamentary elections took place in El Salvador and Costa Rica. Most predictions indicated the …

Ecuador Initiative: Limits of Economic Valuations of Nature

ECUADOR INITIATIVE: Transition Proposals Toward a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society Sponsored by the National Institute of Advanced Studies of Ecuador, carried out by the Free/Libre Open Knowledge (FLOK) Society. From Jose Luis Vivero Pol BIOMOT Policy Brief 1 – Limitations to Economic Environmental Valuation 1. EEV methods fail to secure ecosystem systainability. 2. EEV methods …