Journal: CIA Opens Climate Center–the Reductionism and Irrelevance Continues within a “Dumb Nation”

CIA Opens Center for Climate Change. The Central Intelligence Agency announced plans to launch a center on climate change to examine the potential security risks of environmental issues.  The CIA said it was working on its new Center on Climate Change and National Security to examine the national security impact of environmental issues such as …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 05 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: SA slips in governance ratings 10/01/09 GN: Thousands of people have gathered at a mosque in Guinea’s capital … 10/02/09 MG: Madagascar says consensus government not viable 10/04/09 NG: Nigeria rebel disarms under amnesty 10/04/09 SO: Somali gunmen release 3 foreign aid workers 10/03/09 SO: Somalia: Harakat Al-Shabab Mujahideen Forces Closes Down …

Journal: Paul Rahe and Charles Gasparino on Obama’s Implosion

Burned by Obama:Wall St. execs feel betrayed By CHARLES GASPARINO,September 29, 2009 Obama, according to Wall Street people who regularly deal with his economic and budget officials, is acting as if he has a blank check to do what he wants, while ignoring the longterm costs of his policies. Paul Rahe: Obama’s wrecking crew September …