Robin Good: Crowd-Sourced Cutation of Educational Tool Options

A Crowdsourced Curated Database of the Best Educational Tools and Learning Apps: GEDB GEDB, the Global Education Database, is a great and extremely useful curated collection of the best apps, web tools, gadgets and moocs now available online for educational purposes. Anyone can register to GEDB and submit any valuable resource or tool by filling …

Pepe Escobar: NSA, Globalistan, and the Human Rat Brain Not Keeping Up with Predatory Technology

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, just out, is Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009). He may be reached at The AI Wet Dream: Back to the …

Event: 1 Mar 14 Registration Closes 7 Mar 14 Amsterdam ‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’

‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’ Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland http://www.nisa‐ Conference organised by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association on 7 March 2014 at the Royal Netherlands Navy Barracks Kattenburgerstraat 7 te 1000 BA Amsterdam. Note: at the entrance identification …