Event: 12-13 Oct 2010, Wash D.C, Naked Intelligence

Naked Intelligence 2010 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 Keynote Address Dr. Jerry Lucas, President TeleStrategies, Inc Jed Grant, Founding Partner, Sandstone Chuck Cohen, Cohen Training and Consulting Corporate Intelligence Tyler Drumheller, Chief Operations Officer, DMC Worldwide

CrisisGroup’s CrisisWatch Monthly Report N°83, 1 July 2010

CrisisWatch N°83, 1 July 2010 Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in June 2010, according to the new issue of the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch, released today. In Kyrgyzstan large-scale violence between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks tore through the south of the country. Over 200 people …

The Year of the Drone: Map & Analysis of U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan, 2004-2010

The research on these pages, which we have created in a good faith effort to be as transparent as possible with our sources and analysis and will be updated regularly, draws only on accounts from reliable media organizations with deep reporting capabilities in Pakistan, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, …

Secrecy News: GAO Oversight of Intelligence, Costs of Secrecy

GAO OVERSIGHT OF INTEL AGENCIES IN DISPUTE One of the simplest and most effective ways to strengthen congressional oversight of intelligence agencies would be to task cleared staffers from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which is the investigative arm of Congress, to undertake specific audits or investigations of intelligence programs.  Perhaps the clearest indication of …

Event: 26 July-13 Aug, Ft. Huachuca AZ, Calif, VA, UK, CAN, AU, NL – Empire Challenge (EC10)

Empire Challenge (EC) is an annual joint and coalition intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) interoperability demonstration sponsored by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD/I) that showcases emerging ISR capabilities, and provides vital lessons learned to improve joint and combined ISR interoperability to support warfighters at the tactical edge. EC10, which runs July 26-Aug. …