Reflections: UNASUR – The Revolution Begins

Robert Steele: UNASUR – The Revolution Begins The headquarters of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is now complete and being inaugurated in Quito, Ecuador on 5 and 6 December 2014. I was just in Ecuador, delivering a briefing on the importance of civil-military relations in professionalizing intelligence. That briefing is available free online …

Reflections: Paradise Found – Redefining Prosperity

Profit is Sustainable – If You Build Upon Intelligence with Integrity There are so many success stories today on the edges of the economy and society – EcoVillages, Transition Towns, and Intentional Communities among them – but the core concept of sustainable profit consistent with social and ecological integrity has yet to go mainstream. At …

Robert Steele: Reflections on the Next Data Revolution

I was  glad to respond to an invitation to write “Beyond Data Monitoring,” a Background Paper for the UN International Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution, co-chaired by Robin Li of Baidu, which is good, with Open Source represented by Tim “algorithms rule” O’Reilly, which is bad. Although the paper gained no traction …

Guradian Sustainable Business: Jeremy Rifkin on Super Internet Solving All Our Problems — Never Mind the True Cost Details

Radical new economic system will emerge from collapse of capitalism Political adviser and author Jeremy Rifkin believes that the creation of a super internet heralds new economic system that could solve society’s sustainability challenges EXTRACT What about the concern that the end of capitalism would lead to chaos? Rifkin believes the gap left by the …

CounterPunch: Where is Jesse Ventura When You Need Him? The Public Gets the Government It Tolerates

Where is Jesse Ventura When You Need Him? The Public Gets the Government It Tolerates by ROBERT DAVID STEELE If Jesse Ventura or any true, electable populist candidate reads this and wants to be President, I have a plan to make it so. I ran for President in 2012, accepted as a candidate by the …