Bin Laden Show 51: 1997 Tenet Kills Global Coverage

OSS.Net Posts CIA Report on Global Coverage from July 1997 – George Tenet Blew It Off, Giving Bin Laden Free Rein to Attack WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 /PRNewswire/ — Robert David Steele Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, a global open source intelligence (OSINT) provider, has posted to a copy of the unclassified report written for then …

American Uprising or American Up-Wising?

ANNOUNCING: Two new books that articulate the foundation and the strategic framework for an authentically transpartisan movement-or-movements in America. FOUNDATIONAL BOOK ON GOVERNANCE, Cor Publicum: The Evolution of Res Publica, by Dr. Franca Baroni “This book introduces a fundamentally new social contract. It is a pathway into the center of a radically new system of …

Anti-Corruption in USA–A First Step

Watchdog Group Files Formal Complaints To Disbar And Prosecute Clarence Thomas For 20 Years Of False Statements, Financial Conflicts Of Interest, And Using His Decisions On The  Supreme Court To Enrich His Wife Pressure Building On Department Of Justice To Take Action Washington, D.C.– February 8, 2011, filed two formal complaints against Justice Clarence …

Marginalization Not Al Quada the Real Atrocity

The ‘bin Laden’ of marginalisation The real terror eating away at the Arab world is socio-economic marginalisation. Larbi Sadiki  14 Jan 2011 Al-Jazeera From Tunisia and Algeria in the Maghreb to Jordan and Egypt in the Arab east, the real terror that eats at self-worth, sabotages community and communal rites of passage, including marriage, is …