The Steele Report: Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades GREEN for White House, Society, UK/Israel and YELLOW for Message and Economy. He covers the following topics: ARISE USA Resurrection Tour Overview — Intentions, Message, Outcomes Preview: EARTH 4.0: After the Defeat of the Empire, The Rise of Humanity Emerging Book REVOLUTION!: Constitutional Counties, Faith-Family-Freedom, Open Source Everything Primer TABLE OF CONTENTS For …

JC Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #2 Oil, NATO, America & Russia

In a recent article of the Gray Swans I listed a series of suspicious events related to energy and a possible on-going sabotage of petroleum choke points (Link). Here is an up-dated list including the growing tensions between NATO and Russia. Below are listed Events since Creepy Sleepy Joe canceled the Keystone pipeline and petroleum …

The Steele Report: Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades GREEN across the board as fake White House implodes and all else starts looking up: White House, Message, Economy, Society, UK/Israel. The following topics are addressed today: Update on Trump Return, Disclosures, Planned Tour in May – September COVID-19 The Planned Holocaust & Long-Term Neutering of Humanity Stellar Spiritual Art from Nora Maccoby

Robert Steele: My Conclusions on the Collapse of Texas

Part I: It was geo-engineered weather warfare strike intended to severely degrade the state’s ability to lead a secessionist movement as well as a demand by 20 states for the overturning of the fraudulent election. Part II: Texas — not uniquely — has been grotesquely irresponsible about building cheap housing without proper insulation — and …