Q&A: Juan Enriquez, futurist, on bio-economics — bio-strategy still silent…

Q&A: Juan Enriquez, futurist, on the intersection of science, business and society Christina Hernandez Sherwood | July 1, 2013 Growing up in Mexico, Juan Enriquez didn’t consider new discoveries and scientific innovations particularly important. But now, after a circuitous route from a student at Harvard University to a Mexican peace negotiator and back to Harvard as …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Berto Jongman: Map of the Social Web (As Of Today)

Phi Beta Iota:  Well worth careful examination.  A useful categorization of many services, all of which have something to do with sharing, and none of which actually contribute to sense-making, decision-support, or true cost accountability.  Now imagine this same map, but this time every single element is part of a world brain and global game …

Berto Jongman: Humans, Data, & Spies — What Manner, What Value, Integrity?

Data, meet spies: The unfinished state of Web crypto Many large Web companies have failed to adopt a decades-old encryption technology to safeguard confidential user communications. Google is a rare exception, and Facebook is about to follow suit. Declan McCullagh June 26, 2013 Revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance abilities have highlighted shortcomings in …

Patrick Meier: Analyzing Foursquare Check-Ins During Hurricane Sandy — Coment on Why Free Cell Phones for the Five Billion Poor Needed

“When rare events at the scale of Hurricane Sandy happen, we expect them to leave an unquestionable mark on Social Media activity.” So the authors applied the same methods used to produce the above graph to visualize and understand changes in behavior during Hurricane Sandy as reflected on Foursquare and Twitter. The results are displayed below . …

Robin Good: Attention Doesn’t Scale – the Role of Content Curation in Membership Associations

Elizabeth Weaver Engel and Jeff De Cagna are the authors of a small but very useful guide to Content Curation originally written for membership groups, and first published in November 2012.  The guide offers a good introduction to why content curation is so important, how it can help any organization and what are the key …