Tom Atlee: Derivatives as Fatal Cancer Discussion and Links Short URL: Dear friends, I’m interested in derivatives as a symbol of an economic system that’s NOT based on productivity that satisfies real human needs.  Derivatives are contracts that shift risk from players who are risk averse (and want insurance against loss) to players who have an appetite for risk (and want a …

20120629 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything – Open Source Anatomy Of An Open Source Acquisition: From GlusterFS To Red Hat Storage Open Management Interface (OMI) – open-source implementation of DMTF CIM/WBEM standards Red Hat details next Linux and storage platforms for cloud, big data era The Linux desktop, thanks to Chromebooks, goes retail Why is innovation difficult?

20120627 Open Source Everything Highlights

Brazil’s Open-Government Shock Treatment Brightcove Open Sources App Cloud, Bets Big On Dual-Screen Apps For Apple TV Citizen apps – enough to monitor open government? Digital visibility is king but what colour is our Open Access future? Hackerspaces, makerspaces, DIYbio community survey IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet Open …

John Steiner: Genetic Foods – Transparency, Truth, & Trust versus Tyranny, Toxicity, & Theft

Genetic Engineers Explain Why GE Food Is Dangerous Nation of Change, Sunday 24 June 2012 One of the report¹s authors, Dr. Michael Antoniou of King¹s College London School of Medicine in the UK, uses genetic engineering for medical applications but warns against its use in developing crops for human food and animal feed. Aren¹t critics …

Michel Bauwens: Interview on Person to Person Alternatives

  An interview with Michel Bauwens founder of Foundation for P2P Alternatives | It’s a commonplace now that the peer-to-peer movement opens up new ways of creating relating to others. But you’ve explored the implications of P2P in depth, in particular its social and political dimensions. If I understand right, for you the phenomenon …