Who’s Who in Commercial Intelligence: Mats Bjore

Mats Bjore is unique in many ways.  He is one of just two Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) pioneers recognized with Royal Awards for his accomplishment in creating the Swedish Military Long-Range Reconnaissance OSINT network.  He has gone on to be a successful manager for knowledgement (McKinsey), and advisor to Factiva, and CEO and founder of …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Doug Dearth

Dr. Doug Dearth, in partnership with Col Al Campen, USAF (Ret) will always remain the original Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) pioneer for both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Cyber-War. It was his sponsorship, from within the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center (JMITC) that led to the creation of the first-ever official Open Source Intelligence Handbook …