Mongoose: Deep State Control of State Department? Official Cover Up of Official Pedophilia?

Breaking: Whistleblower Says Deep State in Control of State Department : Ongoing Child-Trafficking Cover-Up at St. Dept. State Department employee, Monika Wesolowski, has been unduly harassed and has had her life threatened for trying to expose traitors and overt practices of treason and sedition by State Department employees who are aligned with the Deep State …

Fred Burks: CIA Mind-Control Documents Relevant to Understanding False Flag Operations

CIA Mind Control Experiments Declassified Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More This essay presents verifiable, undeniable evidence that secret CIA mind control programs have created assassins out of unsuspecting citizens in support of a hidden agenda.   . . .   These top secret experiments were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies programmed to carry …