Anthony Judge: Prefix “Re-cognition” as Prelude to Fixing Sustainability — “Pro” vs “Con” ? Speculative review of missing emphases potentially vital for psychosocial balance

Prefix “Re-cognition” as Prelude to Fixing Sustainability — “Pro” vs “Con”? Speculative review of missing emphases potentially vital for psychosocial balance Introduction Appropriate recognition of both “pro” and “con” implications? Appropriate implications of “con” variant? Appropriate implications of “pro” variant? Unidimensional contrast vs Higher dimensional confluence: Kon vs Con? References

Berto Jongman: Artificial Intelligence Arms Race — Harsh Comment by Robert Steele

AI could Kickstart a New Global Arms Race – we need Better Ways to Govern it before it’s too Late There is a lot of money to be made from Artificial Intelligence. By one estimate, the market is projected to hit US$36.8 billion by 2025. Some of this money will undoubtedly go to social good, like curing …

Robert David Steele: The Holocaust, Zionism, & AIPAC — Guilt by Association

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. –Ephesians 6:12 In my recent interview with Sarah Westhal, one of the finest interviewers in the alternative media sphere — a business professor with an incisive mind who …