Neal Rauhauser: Benchmarking Analytic Bridge vs. Data Central

Analytic Bridge vs. Data Science Central I recently spent some time digging into Data Science Central membership, gathering information on about 12,000 members of the site. I started having some profile editing deja vu, went through my bookmarks and unsorted PDFs, and discovered an interesting competition. . . . . . . . . . So …

Reflections on Information Pathologies & Organizational Intelligence — Why Predictive Analytics on Industrial Era Data is Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Coherent, the Force is…. Restrictive Control and Information Pathologies in Organizations Wolfgang Scholl* Humboldt-University, Berlin Although the relation of power to knowledge is an often discussed theme, a psychological and sociological scrutiny of the issue is lacking. A new conceptual and theoretical approach to this issue is presented here that distingushes between restrictive and promotive …

1976-2015: Analytic, Methodological, & Technical Models 2.2

SHORT URL: Updated 5 September 2015 1976 PREDICTING REVOLUTION Conditions existing in USA today are in red. 1976 Thesis: Theory, Risk Assessment, and Internal War: A Framework for the Observation of Revolutionary Potential 2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution Graphic: Preconditions …

Thomas Devenport: Those Good at Analytics Not Good at Visualization

Q&A: Tom Davenport urges more clarity in data analytics By Joe McKendrick | March 19, 2013, 4:00 AM PDT 0Comments Businesses may be seeking to compete on analytics, but it’s often difficult for business decision-makers to get their heads around data. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Tom Davenport, visiting professor at Harvard …

Search (3): Analytic Models, 10 Threats, Threat Support to Acquisition

Ada Bozeman, in Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft: Selected Essays, has written: (There is a need) to recognize that just as the essence of knowledge is not as split up into academic disciplines as it is in our academic universe, so can intelligence not be set apart from statecraft and society, or subdivided into elements…such as …

Berto Jongman: Promising Approach to Analytics

Predicting the unpredictable By MICHAEL SUSSMAN Jerusalem Post, 01/07/2013 22:55 Real-world, on-the-ground effort is one way Israel is able to showcase its unique abilities on the world stage. Israel’s contributions in the hi-tech sector, innovative renewable energy projects, and breakthroughs in military technology are well known. What is less known are Israel’s achievements in strategic …