J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans 14 May 2019

13 American Gray Swans – Week 19 Using classic engineering logic ask the question “what could cause the collapse of the JIT delivery system”? The answer created the 13 American Gray Swans.  I am sure there are more, but these cover the highest probabilities.

Benjamin Fulford: Zionists Being Slammed Down, Trust the Plan — Comment by Robert Steele Including Reference to Global Currency Reset

Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew …

Robert Steele: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth.

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Saving-Capitalism-Truth Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth. Ray Dalio is a Patriotic Genius – Can Lionel Inspire the President & the Public? Robert David Steele Bottom line up front: no amount of truth is going to get past the White House Deep State filters unless we can mobilize a special …

Robert Steele: Will the US and French Armies Be Key to Taking Down the Deep State?

The shadow foreign minister of France sent me the below headline, asking what I thought. I told him that while we all know that Sorcha Faal is a fabrication shop with one David Booth behind the scenes, that I and my editors value Sorcha Faal because the links are always real and useful, and the …

Robert Steele: 5G – Wrong Turn by China & USA — The Alternative is Human Intelligence with Integrity

Both China and the USA are making a huge mistake in embracing 5G, which is genocidal and ecocidal.  Developed in Israel, and forbidden in Israel, it is the fastest way to dumb down and ultimately kill off billions of people. China Unicom’s big bet on open source It is a huge mistake by China to …