Jean Lievens: EU Digital Democracy

CO-DECIDING WITH CITIZENS: TOWARDS DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AT EU LEVEL Elisa Bruno, EU Policies and Outreach Manager, ECAS A new Deliberative-Collaborative eDemocracy model is emerging worldwide. This model can ensure high quality policy-making by involving citizens directly in the policy process through the use of Web 2.0 facilities to enhance and manage large-scale information in a …

Jean Lievens: Open Source Democracy

Could We Open Source Democracy? Pia Mancini wants to upgrade democracy with the open source mobile platform Democracy OS. It aims to bring citizens inside the legislative process, and to get politicians to actively listen to what they say. Read more, listen to audio.

Jean Lievens: Liquid Democracy, LiquidFeedback

Liquid democracy, its challenges and its forebears Whereas a growing amount of decision-making software is currently in use in the political arena, LiquidFeedback‘s distinctive feature is the possibility for users to delegate their vote to other users by topic.

Sepp Hasslberger: Liquid Democracy Rising…

Political decision-making by elected representatives is far removed from those who go to the election booth once every four or five years. Liquid democracy uses the internet to reduce the distance between citizens and decision makers… Liquid Democracy: The App That Turns Everyone into a Politician Liquid Democracy is one of the boldest contemporary innovations …

Mongoose: When Propaganda Displaces Democracy

When propaganda displaces democracy Nothing in a democracy is outside the reach of propaganda, from media to politics to education. Its influence on citizens’ choices can’t be overstated — and is even harder to overcome. In his new book, How Propaganda Works, Jason Stanley, a Yale philosophy professor, explains it’s always been that way. Stanley …