Rickard Falkvinge: Movie Subtitle Fansite Raided By Copyright Industry And Police

Movie Subtitle Fansite Raided By Copyright Industry And Police Copyright Monopoly: The movie subtitle fansite undertexter.se has been raided by the police and copyright industry. This marks an escalation of the war against sharing culture and knowledge, as the site contained nothing but user-submitted translations of movie dialog. We are quickly coming to a two-tier justice …

Rickard Falkvinge: Sweden Works for NSA Which Works for Israel, Against Russia and Also Europe?

Documents: Sweden Wiretapping Russia’s International Traffic For The NSA Privacy: Earlier documents put in context with recent revelations show that Sweden has been systematically wiretapping Russia on behalf of the United States. This is clear after putting a number of previous questionable agreements and developments in context today. The question that remains is what Sweden gets …

Rickard Falkvinge: NSA is Stasi Scaled Global + Naked NSA RECAP

Stasi vs. The NSA Back To Back: Who’s Worse – A Visual Guide Privacy:  If you were to compare the evil, reprehensible Stasi to the NSA side by side in a visual comparison, who’s the worse surveillance hawk? The people over at OpenDataCity have put together a nice visual guide with astonishing results. We tend …

Rickard Falkvinge: YouTube (29:12) NSA, Public Shaming, & Civil Liberties

As the NSA and other spooks continue to spy on the world’s communications, we ask: who watches them? Is it a secret court under a secret law? Is Edward Snowden really a traitor or a champion of government accountability? Are we already living in George Orwell’s 1984? To mull over these issues, Oksana is joined …

Rickard Falkvinge: When Journalism Dies, Tyranny Thrives

With Journalism Persecuted, The United States Is Now At Event Horizon To A Police State Repression:  Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who published Edward Snowden’s leaks, was recently suggested to be a criminal for shining light on the NSA’s abuse of power. This is a key identifiable step when societies close down; it is a …

Rickard Falkvinge: Geopolitical Implications of Open Source Game Controller

The Ouya Has Geopolitical Implications (For Your Kids) Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:23 AM PDT Infopolicy – Zacqary Adam Green:  The world’s first mass-market open source video game console is not going to turn the video game industry upside down any time soon. But in 20 years, it is going to turn every industry upside …