Marcus Aurelius: Heritage Foundation 2014 Defense Reform Handbook

Handbook is largely self-explanatory but the following extract from the introduction at page vi sets the stage: The Lights are Blinking Red … From day one, the Obama Administration has neglected the imperative to modernize the country’s defense forces, underplayed the amount of forces needed for the national defense, and failed to implement any serious …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense Clandestine Service Here to Stay? Dubious in All Respects – And Still No Plumbing

Sigh. Concur with the comments and would add Sumner Shapiro’s own finding on the 80-20 rule. Flynn seems to be going the mini-me route, replicating CIA’s long-standing failure. Wasted effort and money — and still no focus on the plumbing. Analysis: Defense Clandestine Service Is Here To Stay WASHINGTON — Senior US officials and lawmakers …

Marcus Aurelius: Injectible Micro-Sponges Seal Gunsot Wound in 15 Seconds – Now is DoD Could Just Learn How to Deal with Wounded Warriors After the Fact….

Incredible-Yet-Simple Invention Can Seal a Gunshot Wound in 15 Seconds – What It Could Mean for Soldiers While the U.S. Defense Department is taking bold steps to embrace the latest technology in nearly every operational specialty, it might be the simplicity of a kitchen sponge that saves hundreds of lives every year. The new battlefield …

Marcus Aurelius: Four Washington Think Tanks Presume to Define Defense

Four Washington think tanks held their own exercise to provide alternate analyses and budget proposals to the ongoing Department of Defense Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), DoD’s Congressionally mandated internal cut drill. Read all about it at Joint Think Tank Event: Alternatives to the QDR and FY15 Defense Budget | CSBA While the four think tanks …

Marcus Aurelius: 10+ Combat Events = Mental Breakdown – Either Avoid Elective Wars, Or Maintain a Larger Army (for Toxic Leaders, Triple Again)

Here’s What’s Troubling American Troops in One Chart It’s about ‘combat experiences,’ not length of deployment This Army graph makes crystal clear what many U.S. troops, and their loved ones, have long suspected: the more combat events they experience, the more mental-health problems they will suffer. In fact, according to this illustration from a new …