Marcus Aurelius: Military Leadership — the Many Failures and the Few Successes

This a “three-fer” on leadership and officership.  It provides some theory (from a Naval Special Warfare perspective), a media summary of how too many of our senior officers are not getting it right, and one officer’s list of historical anecdotes when it was done right. * The headliner, ADM McRaven’s speech to USMA Class of 2015 500th Night, …

Marcus Aurelius: One Family Loses Two Sons – Khost Kathy Took One of Them

Long story at link below is front page of today’s WaPo  and is a compelling one.  In electronic version, there is also video. One family, two sacrifices: In a war few Americans fought, the Wise family would pay an awful price | The Washington Post IMHO, story showcases two key points: 1.  After 9/11, the …

Marcus Aurelius: SSCI Unclassified Report on Benghazi Slams State, CIA, CJCS, and CINCAFRICOM

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) today released a declassified report on Sep 2012 attack on Consulate Benghazi. Invite your attention to SSCI press release, first below, and report’s assessment of CJCS’s performance as a leader, second below. Actual declassified and redacted report attached in PDF format. NB: Key findings and recommendations, and complete downloadable …