Steven Vervaecke: One Way to Create Your Own Web 3.0 Server Plus Comments

I have talked extensively about the fediverse, the decentral web, FAAMG alternatives and big tech censorship. My blogs offer a compelling overview and I have done work & stories for Robert David Steele about the decentral web. So you may ask yourself, after all this talk about going decentral and web 3.0, how do you …

DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE

Sure looks like a Deep State conspiracy. k33p !7 m0v!n@bitburner PARLER GOT FUCKING OWNED BAD…and I mean BAD This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”   Source & related images of text

The Steele Report: Grades and Topics Today

Robert grades UK/Israel Yellow, Economy and Society Orange, and Campaign, White House, and Message RED. He addresses the following topics:· Just How Broken in the US Congress? What Does Foreign “Aid” Tell Us? Past Implementations of Martial Law (60+ Times), Insurrection Act (20+ Times) Update on Pedophilia & Empire Book Project – Chapter 41 Published, …