Jean Lievens: Michel Bauwens on the democratization of the means of monetization — commons licenses that demand reciprocity!

Michel Bauwens on the democratization of the means of monetization In this new work, Michel continues to propose powerful ideas that not only demonstrate his capacity for synthesis, but more importantly, his capacity to articulate ideas that facilitate points of convergence between broad sectors that are sympathetic to the ideas of production based on the …

Jean Lievens: A Typology of Openness (Tim Berners Lee via Michel Bauwens)

A typology of openness Tim Berners-Lee: “I was recently asked to talk about the idea of “open”, and I realized the term is used in at least eight different ways. The distinct interpretations are all important in different but interlocking ways. Getting them confused leads to a lot of misunderstanding, so it’s good to review …

Michel Bauwens: Towards a Grand Coalition for the Commons

Towards a grand coalition for the commons I believe there is a historic opporunity to reconstruct a progressive majority around enabling the commons, which would be based on the following political and sociological complementarity between political forces and parties. Though the fortunes of the new player in politics are down from the moment I wrote …

Michel Bauwens: Civilized Discourse Construction Kit

People are raving about this as a possible alternative command and control system for the public to use. Civilized Discourse Construction Kit Jeff Atwood Coding Horror, February 5, 2013 EXTRACT: After spending four solid years thinking of discussion as the established corrupt empire, and Stack Exchange as the scrappy rebel alliance, I began to wonder …

Michel Bauwens: Peer Governance and Wikipedia (interview with Bauwens & Bruns)

Peer Governance and Wikipedia (interview with Bauwens & Bruns) This week the interviews with experts and (ex-)Wikipedians, on which parts of my paper “Peer Governance and Wikipedia: Identifying and Understanding the Problems of Wikipedia’s Governance (2009)” were based, are going to be presented in a series of separate posts. This first post contains the short …