Mini-Me: Malaysian Airlines – Government Says Sealed Evidence Cannot Be Made Public

Huh? Malaysia Says There Is Sealed MH370 “Evidence” That Cannot Be Made Public Malaysian government continues to backtrack after initial evidence in case of missing flight is proven false MALAYSIA (INTELLIHUB) — Malaysian officials told relatives of passengers from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence, which will not be made public. …

Mini-Me: NSA Says Its Water Use is TOP SECRET – We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

Huh? The NSA Says its Water Bill Should be Top Secret Robert McMillan WIRED, 03.19.14 The National Security Agency has many secrets, but here’s a new one: the agency is refusing to say how much water its pumping into the brand new data center it operates in Bluffdale, Utah. According to the NSA, its water …

Mini-Me: Growing Evidence That Autism Is Linked to Pollution – True Cost Economics Could Be On Verge of a Break-Out

Growing Evidence That Autism Is Linked to Pollution A new study offers strong evidence that environmental toxins play a role in the disorder Several studies have shown a link between air pollution and autism, but a new study published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology is one of the largest to put the two together. …

Mini-Me: Don’t Reform the CIA. Abolish It

Don’t Reform the CIA. Abolish It. by Jacob G. Hornberger March 12, 2014 Anyone who reads the works of the late Chalmers Johnson will have an excellent understanding of the role that the U.S. national-security state, especially the vast military empire and military-industrial complex, plays in America’s foreign-policy woes. I particularly recommend his four books: …