Michael Hudson: Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to End US Dollar Hegemony — Kudos to Bolton & Pompeo

Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony The Neocons who Trump has appointed are accomplishing what seemed unthinkable not long ago: Driving China and Russia together – the great nightmare of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. They also are driving Germany and other European countries into the Eurasian orbit, the “Heartland” nightmare of Halford …

Caitlin Johnson: Hats Off to Tucker Carlson and Hating NeoCon Warmongers

Hating Neocons Is Becoming Mainstream Again, And It Is Excellent American Conservative has published an article titled “Why Are These Professional War Peddlers Still Around?“, an excerpt from a book by Fox’s Tucker Carlson, which documents neoconservative thought leaders Max Boot and Bill Kristol’s consistent track record of supporting spectacularly awful US war policies. Carlson …

BREAKING: False Flag Planned for Venezuela to Justify Invasion — Replay of Panama?

Diplomat warns false flag brewing under cloak of humanitarian convoy for Venezuela I believe this.  I ran a false flag for CIA, they are very easy to set up and because the media goes along with whatever story they are given, difficult for most in the public to recognize as a false flag. We should …

Scott Keisler: The Truth About Venezuela

The Truth About Venezuela Covert intelligence groups sowing seeds of destabilization overseas, funding front groups to promote ‘democracy’, engaging in economic warfare, media propaganda campaigns – the playbook is quite familiar to those who know the dark art of unilateral empire building. For the last two decades Neoconservatives and the State Department have, with varying …

Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/NATO-WWIII UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran A senior retired officer wrote this: Vicky Nuland ordered  [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko] to start a war with Russian Federation and guaranteed that NATO and Pentagon would step in and defeat the Russians? NeoCons, PNACers and Zionists believe that …

Ed Jewett: The Illegal Invaders Caravan and the Protocols of Zion

Protocols It is not debatable that the ‘caravan’ isn’t the coincidental and unorganized decision of thousands of people to simultaneously take a long walk to the United States.  Just the logistical aspect of looking after this many people in a rolling march through Central America would be very complicated, and very expensive.  When you add …