Tom Atlee: Climate Change as an Opportunity – Reconnecting to Place, Reality, & Reason

Climate challenges us to reconnect to place, reality and reason We are out of sync with the world and especially with “place”. We lack the insights and capacities that come from knowing a place deeply over generations and from conscious vulnerability to the real world. Our speedy technological consumer culture not only created climate change …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 reality check – A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear

Flight 370 reality check: A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear Sunday, March 30, 2014 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) As the conventional news coverage of Flight 370 becomes increasingly delusional and detached from reality, for the sake of all those families and loved ones still …