Review: Islam vs. ISIS – Why the True Islam is the exact opposite of the Islamic State

Absolutely Recommended, Some Flaws, But Many Illustrations and an Easy Read, September 29, 2016 I rate this book as a solid five because it is a very important collection of insights — including a buried but all important indictment of Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and Western Imperialism as the true roots of ISIS. The graphics are …

Wayne Madsen: Yes, The USA Created ISIS…Along With….

ISIS was created by CIA and Mossad with funding from Saudi Arabia and logistics facilitation from Turkey, while drawing on disenfranchised Sunni officers from Iraq. Barack Obama and George Soros are directly responsible for ISIS (along with Hillary Clinton and John Brennan). Not to be overlooked are Ukrainian puppet Petro Proshenko and UN/Goldman Sachs puppet …

Wayne Madsen: Turkey Announced Second Overseas Military Base as Neo-Ottomans Flex Muscles

Turkey announces second overseas military base as neo-Ottomans flex muscles The neo-Ottoman government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a political ally and friend of Barack Hussein Obama, has announced it is building its second military base abroad. The announcement that Turkey is building a base in the failed state of Somalia comes after Turkey …