DefDog: Turning Cyber-Confuse Into a Major Command (Sinkhole for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse)

They have gone completely insane….. Military leaders seek higher profile for Pentagon’s Cyber Command unit Senior military leaders are recommending that the Pentagon’s two-year-old cyberwarfare unit be elevated to full combatant command status, sending a signal to adversaries that the U.S. military is serious about protecting its ability to operate in cyberspace, officials said. Gen. …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef to McCain on Sequester + RECAP on DoD Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Invite your attention to pages 5 thru 7 of attached which outlines in very clear terms the likely FY 2013 and longer term impacts on the Department of Defense and the Joint Force of the impending sequester brought about by this week’s dereliction of duty on the part of the Senators and Representatives making up …

Owl: Visual Analytics – corruption, fraud, waste and abuse

Screen-friendly report: Visual analytics; Revealing corruption, fraud, waste and abuse For entities around the globe, identifying potential fraud and corruption activities in large volumes of data has historically been difficult and quite costly. More often than not, the rich insights within that data may be difficult to identify by traditional means and remain hidden. Against …