The Revolution in Analytics–Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Viva The Revolution in Analytics! Viva Performance Analytics! A Shameless Parody Warning: This parody is a shameless exploitation of Bogart’s “Treasure of Sierra Madre” and Hemingway’s “Old Man & The Sea.”  It pokes fun at the rising elite of consulting, i.e. those involved with performance analytics or “the revolution in analytics.” Yet it raises serious …

Journal: Development at Gunpoint? Wasteful & Wrong

Development at Gunpoint? Why Civilians Must Reclaim Stabilization Aid Michael Young Foreign Affairs, December 19, 2010 Summary: Today, billions of dollars in aid is delivered by soldiers and private contractors at the behest of the political and military leadership. But this so-called “militarized aid” is ineffective, wasteful, and puts lives at risk. MICHAEL YOUNG is …

Reference: On WikiLeaks and Government Secrecy + RECAP on Secrecy as Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

People are more likely to lie, exaggerate and distort when they know they won’t be held accountable for what they said, and people like to say what their interlocutors want to hear, says Jordan Stancil. Jordan Stancil Jordan Stancil is a lecturer in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs of the University of …

Event: 30 Nov Irish Inn Glenn Echo Open Space Lunch on Health Policy, Health Planning, Health Programming, Health Budget, Health Waste, and Health Enforcement

Harrison Owen and Jim Turner will be hosting a co-convener’s exploratory lunch from 1155 to 1400 on Tuesday 30 November 2010 The Irish Inn at Glenn Echo, Maryland.  Anyone who cares about any aspect of health planning, health programming, health budget, health policy, health waste, or health enforcement, is welcome BUT advance registration is required.  …