Review: Pakistan on the Brink–The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

Ahmed Rashid REF A — 12 Years of Lessons Learned in Time for 2014, October 13, 2013 This is an extraordinary book that required a great deal of time, not in the reading, but in the reflection. This will be a longer review than usual, even for me, because this book contains all of the …

Karl W. Eikenberry: The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan — The Other Side of COIN

 The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan The Other Side of the COIN Foreign Affairs, September-October 2013 (General and Ambassador) Karl W. Eikenberry Since 9/11, two consecutive U.S. administrations have labored mightily to help Afghanistan create a state inhospitable to terrorist organizations with transnational aspirations and capabilities. The goal has been clear enough, but its …

NATO WATCH: Afghanistan “Zero Option” and More…

In this July-September 2013 edition: NATO Watch Editorial: ‘Zero Option’ for Afghanistan – a realistic possibility? Review Article: The Taliban at war: inside the Helmand insurgency, 2004–2012 News, Commentary & Reports: Afghanistan-Pakistan; Arctic Security; Arms Control; Counter-Terrorism; Cyber Security; Defence Budgets; Drones; Energy Security; Enlargement and Partnerships; Exercises; Kosovo; Libya; Mali; Maritime Security; Missile Defence; …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Generals Roll Over, Germans Go to <20% in Afghanistan

Pakistan: Pakistani media reported that the retirement announcement by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani was a surprise. Kayani said, “My tenure ends on 29th November 2013. On that day I will retire.” He made the public statement to quell speculation that he might seek extension. The post of the Chairman, Joint …

Afghanistan Reaching for Cricket World Cup — Whips Kenya, One Game to Go

Afghanistan Targeting 2015 Cricket World Cup Posted by: Channels Television Posted date: October 01, 2013 In: Sports | comment : 0 Comments Afghanistan can qualify for the 2015 Cricket World Cup if they beat Kenya on Wednesday October 2nd   and Friday October 4th in the final two games at the World Cricket League Championship in …

NATO Watch: UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence

UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence By Nigel Chamberlain, NATO Watch 2 October 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Announcing that Britain will host the special NATO Summit in 2014 to coincide with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Prime Minister David Cameron said on …