Robert Steele: World War III has started – the public against the Deep State – everywhere – Deep State against Donald Trump – what is to be done? (Trump Revolution 08)

World War III has started – the public against the Deep State — everywhere. Robert David Steele, Visiting Norway in March, Answers Seven Questions Jan H. Kalvik & Robert David Steele Defense and Intelligence Norway, 10 March 2017 Robert David Steele, whom I recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize to a Norwegian Minister who is …

Owl: Deep State’s Final Answer – Cosmic (Alien Invasion) False Flag — Last Ditch Attempt to Assert Totalitarian Control

REAL or HOAX? UFO experts warn of “cosmic false flag” event, claiming deep state will fake alien invasion to achieve totalitarian control over humanity Thanks especially to the Internet’s dissemination of information uncensored and uncontrolled by elite and other media outlets, more and more people are becoming educated about the tyrannical and exploitive agendas of …

DefDog: Two-Thirds of All US Navy Jets Cannot Fly

Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly …nearly two-thirds of the fleet’s strike fighters can’t fly – grounded because they’re either undergoing maintenance or simply waiting for parts or their turn the aviation depot backlog. Long comment below the fold.

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down …