Greg Palast: GOP Disenfranchising 3.5 Million Voters — Obama Doing the “Al Gore” (Rolling Over and Playing Dead for Money) — Electoral Reform, Anyone?

GOP-led Purge Threat to 3.5 Million Voters Election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voter rolls, especially targeting minority voters. Al Jazeera America has obtained 2.1 million names from the target lists,  kept confidential until now.  Experts reviewing the lists conclude it is …

SchwartzReport: Feds Lie, Marijuana Good… Could Marijuana Plus 9/11 Plus Unemployment Plus Wanton Wars Lead to Electoral Reform?

I think this essay is stating the truth. I have read stuff coming out from the government on the subject of marijuana so flagrantly wrong that it has to be deliberate. Nobody speaking truthfully about the present state of research could possible make those statements. The Feds Are Incapable of Telling Truth About Pot PAUL …

SchwartzReport: A Coup (Treason), Electoral Reform, or Continue Business as Usual Looting the Commonwealth?

TREASON noun treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion. ANTONYMS allegiance, loyalty. This is the voice of the Theocratic Right. Fox News Analyst Tells Tea Party Group He Can Lead a Military Coup Against Obama TRAVIS GETTYS – The Raw Story A retired Army general and Fox News analyst told a Tea Party group …

Robert Steele: Saving Obama, the USG, & the Republic — Proposal for the Electoral Reform Act of 2013 – and Ron Paul to the Supreme Court!

I have watched with a mixture of awe and sadness as the Chinese have so successfully kicked our President in the balls over cyber-war, and started an astonishingly active national conversation over whether or not the active measures taken by the US Government against its own citizens are lawful, necessary, or even affordable. I have …

Eagle: President Obama Tells the Truth – A Good First Step – But Can He Turn On A Dime & Force Electoral Reform in 30 Days?

Republicans pounce on Obama remark: ‘You can’t change Washington from the inside’ He has not been able to change the ‘tone’ in Washington, Obama says, calling that ‘disappointing.’ President Obama — who ran his 2008 campaign on the promise of “hope and change” — made a surprising admission after four years in office on Thursday: …

Chuck Spinney: USA Elections 2012 – Three Snapshots Right, Left, & Neither – Bring On the Wrecking Crew (Andre Barnett, the Reform Party, and the Electoral Reform Act of 2012)

TWO-PARTY THEATER — Puppets to the Oligarchs High Stake Outcomes Over Non-Issues Oligarchs at the Gate PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, Counterpunch, 14 August 2012 The election of the next puppet president of the “world’s only superpower” is about two and one-half months off, and what are the campaign issues?   There aren’t any worthy of the …