Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …

SchwartzReport: Treason at the Top — “National Security” Pork Over Education, Infrastructure, Family, and Everything Else

We have grossly inadequate funding for schools, infrastructure, elder care, child-care, and a host of other programs and projects that create a more compassionate and life-affirming society. But, boy, the dollars fall like a blizzard on the military industrial security industries. Here is the real truth of where you tax dollars are going. The sums …

Berto Jongman: Fake ISIS Beheading Videos — Blatant False Flag Fraud to Deceive the US Public — PBI Comment on War for the Soul of US Intelligence UPDATED: Bomb Syria or Control Ebola? Duh!

Both beheading videos are questionable. Both were probably made by the same people following the same script and using the same format. I find it strange that the second video was distributed to subscribers of SITE before ISIS itself had the video made public. A SITE analyst had discovered the video on a filesharing site. …

Chuck Spinney: Mission Accomplished in Afghanistan — Treason, Looting of the Commonwealth, Destruction of the Millitary, and Wanton Collateral Damage…

Below, Seumas Milne well summarizes the calamitous results of our misbegotten GWOT* crusades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.  The result is not pretty, but that is hardly surprising. While Milne’s call for accountability applies to the British contribution to the GWOT, it bespeaks volumes for the United States — a country that prides itself on its …

Marcus Aurelius: Flag Misbehavior in Moscow — and Air Force Favoritism

This is one of the more egregious senior official screw-up cases.  Most of them seem to be zipper issues or misusing airplanes or misusing travel or misusing staff or things like that.  This one involves counterintelligence risk and potential international incident.  Summarized:  monumental dumb-ass. I have occasional chance contact in the gym with a very …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …