Robert Steele: Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? (Trump Revolution 25)

Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 10 March 2018 Please “share” from the original at above …

Yoda: CIA’s Open Source Enterprise Blows (Again)

US to close CIA division’s UK intelligence monitoring unit The US is to close its monitoring unit in the UK, marking the end of nearly 75 years of side-by-side collaboration with the BBC’s open-source intelligence division at Caversham Park. The Open Source Enterprise, a division of the US’s Central Intelligence Agency, has been run out …