Jon Rappoport: Obama: one if by land, two if by sea, three if by metadata

Obama: one if by land, two if by sea, three if by metadata In his Friday speech, Obama ignored the essence of the FISA Court, the secret body that’s rubber-stamped warrants to do surveillance for the past 35 years. Most of these requests for warrants come from NSA and the FBI, and only government attorneys …

Andy Piascik: “OBAMACARE” and the Bogus Health Care Debate

“OBAMACARE” AND THE BOGUS HEALTH CARE DEBATE The biggest secret of politics in the United States is that a majority of the population is to the left of both major parties. This can be amply demonstrated by comparing public opinion on a host of issues to the policies pushed by corporate and political elites. Whether …

Jonas E. Alexis: Religious Counterintelligence — Was Freud a Zionist Subversive?

Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and the War on the West “We are bringing them the plague.” —Sigmund Freud, on his way to America in 1909[1] Like Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud did not base psychoanalysis, which he championed to the entire Western world, on scientific premises. When psychoanalysis came to America, it was largely viewed as an …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

ANALYSIS: Methodology to Analyze Future Security Threats (3): Scenarios as an Organic Living System BOOK: Evaluation Methodologies for Aid in Conflict BOOK: Global Intellectual History BOOK: Governing the World: The History of an Idea, 1815 to the Present CYBER: BIOS Malware Can Destroy Any Computer

Chuck Spinney: Staying in Afghanistan Is a Recipe for More Terrorism

Staying in Afghanistan Is a Recipe for More Terrorism Anthony W. Orlando – Huffington Post – 12/12/13 Barack Obama is daring the terrorists. He’s standing in their front yard. He’s calling them out. Of course, that’s not how it’s reported. “U.S. ‘nowhere near’ decision to pull all troops out of Afghanistan,” was the understated …