Parag Khanna: Rise of the Info-States

Edging toward the sweet spot of new-century governance Enter the info-state. The info-state – today one of a growing number of dynamic and entrepreneurial cities, city-states or small nations scattered around the world – governs as much through data as via democracy. Scholars have for decades appreciated political mutations that drive international competition and result …

Worth a Look: Wickr — Data at Rest, Data in Flight, Encrypted and Not Stored in Cloud

The Internet is forever. Your private communications don´t need to be. Wickr is a free app that provides: military-grade encryption of text, picture, audio and video messages ·sender-based control over who can read messages, where and for how long ·best available privacy, anonymity and secure file shredding features ·security that is simple to use “Wickr …

Berto Jongman: CIA Junior Clandestine Operations Officer Arrested in Moscow with Full Kit for a Cold Pitch Adds Marcus Aurelius Huffington Post Overview

The details are being read in Europe. Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS) Promises of millions, a new face and detailed instructions on a double-agent conspiracy in Moscow. Bearing the hallmarks of a Cold War spy thriller, Russia’s counterintelligence agency says it nabbed a CIA officer …

Berto Jongman: Call for US Torture Investigation and Eradication + Torture RECAP

Out With It Americans deserve to hear the dirty secrets of the CIA’s war on terror. We’ll all be better off with the truth. In April 1975, Sen. Frank Church impaneled a special investigative committee to look into shocking accounts of CIA dirty tricks. The Church Committee ultimately published 14 reports over two years revealing …

Help Wanted: > One Million Views, > 4,000 Subscribers, < $1000 in Donations

If you value what we do — public intelligence in the public interest — a donation is humbly solicited.  Earth Intelligence Network is an accredited 501c3, all contributions are tax deductible and receive a receipt.  Donations over $15 receive a Golden Candle pin.  Donations about $30 receive any book available in inventory.  Beyond that, feel …

NIGHTWATCH: China Shows Muscle & Gravitas — Syria Shows Staying Power — USA Losing on All Fronts Due to Ignorance and Arrogance

China-North Korea: Update. China’s Foreign Ministry declined Wednesday, 8 May, to confirm the Bank of China’s closure of the account of the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank. In response to a question at Wednesday’s news conference, Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, “For specifics, please refer it to competent Chinese authorities.” Sources of the Daily NK …

John Steiner: Fukushima Update — Worse, Uglier, Worry More…. + Fukushima & US Nuclear RECAP

Subject: Fukushima update Dear Friends, Bad news continues to pour out of Fukushima-Daiichi.  The first article below discusses the impact of F-D radiation on Canadian flora and fauna.  The second details the involvement of the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza, in the containment/cleanup process.  The third describes TEPCO’s mounting financial losses, as they struggle to …